2021 - Synopsis

January 6, 2021 - Protest at US Capitol

So much for turning over a new leaf in 2021! I have to believe that the events at the Capitol last Wednesday were a necessary catharsis for our country. A line in the sand has been clearly drawn. Apologies and compensatory logic won’t cut it anymore. It is a fitting conclusion to the Trump presidency. It’s time to pick sides. . As much as we need to heal, we need to stop the flow of spurious and non factual information. We desperately need to teach our children not only civic responsibility, but also logic, critical thinking, and thinking outside of a belief system. One good thing about this wake up call is that I think more people will be getting more involved in our democracy, from ordinary citizens to leaders. There seems to be a widespread realization that we can’t take our country for granted if we want to keep our freedom.
David Stearns

Dear friends and family - Christmas 2021
The photo this year is of Mother and Dad relaxing at the Cissel family home on 2nd Street in Atlantic Beach, on Easter 2003. There were many awesome Easter parties there. God bless all the Stearns, Cissels, and other families who had barrels of fun there. They were all events to remember.
Karen and I had a pretty good year, all things considered. Karen spends her time sewing, practicing arts and crafts, going to yoga, and spending time with her girlfriends. We did a little work on our unfinished garage loft and made plans to do some more. Visitors included Susie and Charles, Rosemary, Chris and Richard, niece Anna, and brother George (who came up to can tomatoes). Anna moved back to Black Mountain and was made a partner in the law firm where she worked before going to law school. We are very proud of her.
I led a couple of hikes for the Nantahala Hiking Club, and went out most Wednesdays with their trail maintainer group to work on the Appalachian Trail. I managed to lose 10# since last year and am aiming to lose 10 more this coming year.
I wrote and self published a book, Bucking the System, with my views on what it will take to make the world a better place. If you would like a copy, let me know.
These are trying times. There are people who want to see us fight with each other and be divided. Stand up for truth, love, and kindness, regardless of differing beliefs with others. Support leaders who care more about us than their own agendas. Pray and follow the Golden Rule.
Love from the mountains - David and Karen



I finished my book, Bucking the System, in October 2021. After 2 revisions due to proofreading, additions, and suggestions from readers, I had the 3rd and final (so far) version printed, which I am happy and satisfied with. My goal is to raise awareness of the fuedal system we still live in, world wide, and that nothing will substantially or permanently change for the better until we have better leaders and better education.

We got a new dog, Zola, in March. She is a 2 year old pit bull mix, and very good natured. Peaches, our 2 year old coon hound mix, left us just before Thanksgiving last year, due to aggressive behavior. Karen's dog, Sadie is still with us, struggling with health issues. We pray for her and work with her to get her well. She is 8 years old and is a Mountain Feist.


David trimming branches

Christmas 2022
Holiday greetings to one and all!
Karen is active with her friends and family. She spent a lot of time this year with Sadie, our female Mountain Feist, who had a seizure a year ago. Sadie is getting lots of love and is getting better.
I was active with Wayfarers Unity Chapel and the Nantahala Hiking Club, leading hikes and helping maintain the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina. I have a new Facebook account if you want to “friend” me.
Daughter Chris and husband Richard spent a week with us in November, helping us insulate and panel our garage loft. My friend, another Richard, wired the loft for lights and outlets. If you want to visit, we have rustic accommodations for you (no indoor plumbing).
We love our mountain valley and stay home as much as we can.
I finished and distributed two dozen copies of my book, Bucking the System. It is in the 3rd and final (I hope ) edition. I maintain that we still live in a feudal system and nothing will permanently change for the better until we change the system. I am up to almost 3000 sayings and phrases, past and present, that I am recording in a spread sheet, just for fun.
We inherited a two year old female Pit Bull mix in February. Her name is Zola (nicknamed Petey, from the Little Rascals). She is a good dog and the only dog I ever had with her own nickname.
My daughter Chris successfully instigated a surprise birthday party for me in Statesboro for my 75th on Halloween. I got to see some of my seven great grandchildren for the first time. There was a lot of celebrating and even a bonfire, thanks to my son in law, Richard.
The US is rapidly devolving into a two tier society: the haves and the have nots. We need better education for all, and leaders who care more about democracy and the country than their own agendas.

Love David and Karen

2023 Christmas Letter

Holiday Greetings to one and all, family and friends. “Things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser!” (Alice in Wonderland). Where will it end? Where are we heading? Those of us who were born in the last century, see our world slipping away. We have to turn to our Faith, whatever that is, and respect Life, respect others. and respect our selves. The Golden Rule is more important than ever. Be Kind, says the Dalai Lama. Being a decent human being never goes out of style.
There were no seismic shifts in our life this year. Karen is fine (her own words) and continues to take art classes, work on personal growth, and spend time with friends. My daughter Chris moved in with my sister Rosemary, in Waynesville, NC. Chris is pursuing her teaching (Spanish) career, and Rosemary is helping her move ahead. I cleaned ditches, blew leaves, chopped firewood, went to church on Sundays, and hiked with the Nantahala Hiking Club on Wednesdays helping to maintain the Appalachian Trail. I sold my motorcycle (got tired of dropping it in gravel) and am in the market for a VW rail buggy (4 wheels are better than 2). I did some mechanic work on my 1994 Geo Tracker (225K miles) and it is still humming along. Zola (Petie) is approaching 4 and is settling down some. She is a great dog, very affectionate and smart. Karen’s dog Sadie keeps us on our toes. Sadie continues to recover from a seizure several years ago. I am pursuing Reiki therapy, and learning how to do hands on healing. It is very rewarding to be able to help others. I spoke at our church on Sunday several times and am leading a skit with some of the church kids on Sunday, Christmas Eve. Just for fun and mental exercise, I am collecting sayings and phrases that would not be taught in an English as a second language class. I am up to nearly 7,000, and getting more every day (from reminders and old tv shows and movies).
“God bless us all, each and every one!”
Love - David and Karen Stearns


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